Rachelle Niemann

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My running has always been intermittent at best. I would sign up for a race here and there in an attempt to force myself to run. Sometimes I would run; sometimes I wouldn't. Sometimes I would go run those distances that I hadn't properly trained for and ended up in pain and barely able to walk afterwards. I knew this was no way to treat my body or mind and that I would eventually end up injured.

Last year I made a goal to be in the best shape of my life: physically, emotionally, and mentally. I started a program with a chiropractor and physical therapist for back and neck rehab from old injuries that continued to consistently nag at me. I had tried this multiple times in the previous years usually ending up on a sustainment path of getting adjusted when it was no longer bearable and being in a fair amount of discomfort the rest of the time. It was different this time because I FINALLY realized that my health is my responsibility. I have to take the guidance from these lovely professionals, and I have to actually implement it into my daily life through action.

I'm still not in the optimum health I would like to be, but I am making progress. I have improved which has resulted in a lack of daily headaches and reduced pain in my jaw, neck and shoulders. I do my best to now work part of my day standing and to take hourly breaks from sitting and get up and move during these breaks. Sometimes I will walk around the house, sometimes I will skip around the house, sometimes I will take Mali for walks, and mostly I have dance parties. When I start feeling tight, I know it is time to move. I am getting more diligent with a yoga routine. Yoga has been the most beneficial practice I have found for neck and back pain; just doing it for ten minutes in the morning provides great relief, and a daily practice has resulted in the most back and neck pain reduction to date. [Note to self: do more daily yoga :)]

After making some good but slow progress last year, I determined it was time to do something to really challenge myself physically and mentally, so I decided to sign up for a 50k. Yep, go big or go home. I know this is a big leap, but I have time, I have a plan, I have resources, and I am gaining confidence with each training run. I have been wanting to share this journey, but I have been afraid. What if I fail? Can I really do this? What if I don't follow through? What will people think??

Well I'm not choosing fear anymore...so here it is, my journey from zero to 50k! I will share this journey with you, probably reach out for support when things aren't going well, and you can help me celebrate each and every victory along the way. 

I am running The North Face Endurance Challenge 50k in Wisconsin this September, and a few more races in between. I am hoping this is only the beginning of my endurance fitness journey. 

I am also raising money for two charities: The Front Row Foundation and Our Pioneers. I am lucky enough to know the people who operate these charities and value each of their causes and missions deeply. So if you feel so inclined to support their causes and me through providing more inspiration with every dollar donated it would be greatly appreciated. Find my fundraising page here: https://www.gofundme.com/1st-50kfrontrowfactorourpioneers

Here goes nothin!

Thank you for connecting and your support! Here goes another opportunity for growth and challenge!