Hard Runs Make for Perfect Training


Sometimes running is hard, but ultimately that makes for perfect training. We train so we can be prepared for the adversities that come during the race.


I’m not starting at zero, but it sure feels that way. Getting past the mental hurdles of beginning to run distance again are starting early. Not to mention all the setbacks and excuses I’ve had thus far. I’m getting a much later start than I wanted, and I have a hundred excuses I could list here but I’ll spare you from those. My coach, the amazing Lance Carter, put together a run workout with moderate to non-intense intervals for me, so I loaded it into my watch and after much delay finally got out for my run during the hottest part of the day. I’m getting over a slight cold and there is some added stress going on right now, so I’m not feeling 100%, and I may have been a little ambitious with my “easy” long run pace. I started running and felt like a ton of bricks.

After my warm up that seemed to only be 5 minutes instead of 10?! My watch started beeping at me. Too fast…too slow…too slow…too slow…UGH! Typically, I don’t worry too much about my pace. I run for how I feel and I don’t check my watch all that often, so while doing these interval workouts and not feeling 100% really made my old perfectionism habits kick in. I felt like I wasn’t doing it right. I got upset that the run was so hard, which made the run even worse! I did not take my headphones on this run, so the only thing I could hear was all my thoughts of frustration circling in my head. About 3.5 miles in I decided to have a little discussion with myself, so I stopped in the shade and paced back and forth and asked myself some questions. My runs are rarely this hard, which is a true blessing, but that also makes them perfect training runs. This is exactly what I’m afraid of happening during the 50k, so to experience beforehand gives me a better idea of how I may handle it.

I was at a tipping point. I could’ve kept going straight which would have gotten me home without going the full distance and made staying out there for the full distance much more difficult. I could give up and walk home, or I could turn around, go back the way I came, and finish this run…what was I going to do? After about a 5 minute pacing talk with myself, I decided to turn back around and finish this hard ass run. As I began running again, my mind started composing classical music that went with my pace to keep me moving. I allowed myself to run “too slow” for my intervals, and I ran through my goal distance 0.2 over just to know I could push beyond my goal when I wanted to stop so badly.

During my run back, I realized that having my watch telling me I’m not doing it right likely impacted my mindset. Perfectionism is a shame trigger for me, and I was reacting to that shame and tanking my mindset making it very difficult to run.

Sometimes, running is hard, but ultimately that makes the perfect training run. We train so we can be prepared for all the adversities that come during the race.

Phil and I are raising money for charity again this year: 1LifeFullyLived.
Their mission is to

Empower people of all ages to create their best life possible through an inclusive approach that provides holistic support in the areas of life planning and purpose, personal health, relationships, wealth building and investments, entrepreneurship, and mindfulness and spirituality.

Check out their video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NDhQeKuBgI

I am again lucky enough to know the people who operate this charity and value their mission deeply. Their mantra of Dream it, Plan it, LIVE IT! is definitely something I live my life by.


Your support to their cause and us is so appreciated!! Find the fundraising page here: gofundme.com/50k2point0.