I spent last week at an amazing Quantum Leap Mastermind event surrounded by amazing and uplifting people, and someone suggested a game of ultimate frisbee. My initial thoughts of playing were 'No':

I can't play. I'm terrible at frisbee!

I shouldn't play because I don't deserve to; I'm not good enough. 

I shouldn't play because people will see me and judge me. 

I can't play; no one wants me to play. 

I should be doing something else that is more productive.

No, no, no was all my brain could say, but in spite of all those No's I was encouraged to play by those around me, so I said Yes! 

I tried and then I tried my hardest. I ran full out. I sprinted. I walked. I slipped. I missed the frisbee, I caught the frisbee. I made poor passes. I made great passes. I didn't cover my opponent, I did cover my opponent. But the one thing I didn't do was stand on the sidelines wishing I played. I PLAYED without the fear of judgement and I had SO MUCH FUN

Making time and space for fun is vital to progress. Fun lights us up and creates motivation. One large part of my running journey that I allowed through training this year was to allow fun into running. I've always thought of running as a miserable task and something I only forced myself to do for my health and growth, but this year my mindset really allowed the space for fun.

I've had great fun on training runs and in races and I'm excited for a fun 50k race in the upcoming weeks. You can bet I'll be throwing out some leaps and dance moves on the trail in a couple weeks, but only because I allowed the space for it. It has really made it much more enjoyable.

We are over halfway there!! If you want a little more bang for your buck I am doing a raffle with 10 items no less than $50 in value that I will either ship or deliver to you. Tickets can be purchased through the Gofundme site for $6.50 each or 3 for $13. Please just note in the comments '# of Raffle tickets'. Thank you for your support!

I am raising money for two charities: The Front Row Foundation and Our Pioneers. I am lucky enough to know the people who operate these charities and value each of their causes and missions deeply. So if you feel so inclined to support their causes and me through providing more inspiration with every dollar donated it would be greatly appreciated. Find my fundraising page here: https://www.gofundme.com/0to50k.